The True Purpose of Life
Glorious Immortal Self! There
is a permanent Reality behind this entire universe. That great reality is of
the nature of Bliss and blessedness. It is a state of untrammeled (not confined
or limited) freedom, limitless peace,
boundless wisdom and indescribable Bliss. And that Bliss, freedom, peace, wisdom
and joy is your essential and eternal state. That is your real abode. That is
your ultimate journey. This life has been given to you in order to realize that
Reality. It is this achievement and achievement alone, which is the central
purpose of your life.
Indian philosophy declares in
bold and unmistakable terms that the great aim of human life is to attain
supreme Bliss. It asserts: “All beings in this universe have come forth from
Bliss, in Bliss they are sustained, and they are destined to attain that
Bliss.” It is this perennial Bliss, which indeed is the great and ultimate
Truth and Reality. The great ones who have realized through their intense inner
effort the nature of the ultimate Reality, have stated in clear and
unmistakable terms: “O mortals, you cannot find unalloyed perfect Happiness and
Bliss in this imperfect and limited phenomenal universe. The ultimate state of
joy and Bliss can be had only within your own Self, which has its source in the
permanent and eternal Reality. All Bliss lie within you. You are yourself that
Bliss.” This is your nature. The rediscovery of that living awareness of
Bliss is the great purpose of your life. This is the goal of life for which we
have taken birth on this earth-plane.
Life is not a haphazard flight
from one object to another. Life is a quest full of significance and meaning.
Therefore the sooner the eyes are opened to the great meaning of life, the
greater the degree of perfection that will be attained. Otherwise, life would
be like setting upon a journey without direction, or like getting onto a
highway without the knowledge of the destination or route. Life is very
precious. Say: “I have come here to realize the supreme state of blessedness
and to experience the highest Bliss. I have been given this unique opportunity
of a human birth in order to attain the ultimate goal.” The chance is now given
to you. Who knows if the keen state of aspiration and devotion to the ideal
will continue? Therefore, now is the time to make a supreme effort to realize
the true purpose of life. Now is the time to make an earnest effort to attain
the highest blessedness and the wondrous bliss of Realization
God Bless You!
Swami Chidananda
reading material
Chapter 6 - Your True purpose in Life (page 41) The path beyond
sorrow by Swami Chidananda
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