Monday, January 13, 2014

(Jan 13,2014) Spiritual Message for the Day – Sun-The Eye Of The World by Swami Krishnananda

Sun – The Eye of the World
Divine Life Society Publication: Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals by Swami Krishnananda
(This Makara Sankranti message was given on the 14th of January, 1972)

In Sanskrit, Makara Sankranti means the time when the sun crosses the tropic of Capricorn. The day is of special significance to all those leading the spiritual life. The sun comes to the North, energizing and invigorating all life wherever it is, and on whatever he sheds his light.

The self of man is presided over by the Sun or Surya. The Sun is designated as Atma-Karaka. The self or the soul is different from the mind; the Atman and the Manas are differentiated by their metaphysical and psychological characteristics, respectively.

"Surya Atma Jagatas Tasthushascha", proclaims The Rig-Veda. The spiritual presiding principle in the Sun is the invigorator, energizer of the selves of all created beings. We live by the Sun and die if the Sun is not to be. The Sun is not merely a huge orb of atomic energy as the physicists would tell us, but a radiant mass of life-giving vitality to everyone. The earth contains unimaginable amount of energy, vitality, abundance and resources!  All this wonderful earth is nothing but a part of the Sun and our greatness can be traced back to the greatness of the Sun.

There is some great significance in connecting the principle of the Sun with the self of man, as there is also equal significance in the connection of the moon with the mind of man. The moon, the stars, the sun and all the stellar system exert a mutual influence amongst themselves. You know during the full-moon the ocean rises up, wells up as if to greet the rising moon and, naturally, the pull must be felt everywhere on earth, but you cannot see it. Such is the invisible impact of the higher forces of nature, whose father is the Sun, and when its influence is felt more and more, the self is supposed to also exert influence in its activity, operation. So, this particular day, we call Makara Sankranti, is holy.

"Suryah pratyaksha devata" (The Sun is the visible God). You cannot see God in His pristine excellence, but you can see God through the operation of his powers in nature. In the Purusha Sukta, the Sun is again compared to the eyes of the Virat Purusha, the cosmic person. The Upanishads and the Bhagavadgita tell us that those who die during these six months of the northern course of the Sun, rise from the earthly entanglements to the higher regions through the orb of the Sun and attain Salvation. In the Mahabharata we are told that Bhishma waited for his departure until the Sun moved to the north. So there is much behind these great observances such as the Makara Sankranti and many others of a similar nature, in the spiritual destiny of man.

We live a material life, not knowing what we really are, what the world is. The more you move inward into yourself, the more also you will see the inner mystery of the world. When you go to the vital body within you, you can see the vital body of other people seated here. Because you are now in the physical body, you see the physical body of others. When you enter your mental body, you can see the minds of other people, and when you enter your intellectual body you can see the intellects of other people seated here. And when you enter your spiritual principle within, you can see the spirituality in the world and the spiritual principle in the whole cosmos, culminating in the spiritual Reality as the Sun, wherein the individual, the world and God become one.

But when you go inwardly by a power of concentration and meditation, you also simultaneously, as a parallel movement, enter into the subtler realms of the world outside, so much so the outsideness of the world becomes less in proportion to the internal experience that you have in your own self. The more you are physically conscious, the more also is the world external to you. The more you are inwardly conscious, the nearer is the world to you.

The inimical world, the so-called unfriendly world, becomes a friendly one when you enter into the subtler and subtler realms of your own being. And when you reach the divine principle within you, the world does not merely remain as a friend but becomes an inseparable experience of your own. The world ceases to be an outer phenomenon. There will be no world as such. The thing called the world ceases to be the moment you enter into the spiritual principle within you which is the same as the spiritual principle within the world, which is also the same as the spiritual principle of the universe. It is only here that God, world and the soul become united. This is the liberation that we are ultimately seeking. So by this religious observance of Makara Sankranti, we shall all, as humble seekers of Truth, do well to contemplate this inner divinity presiding over the solar symbol in our creation and endeavor to be more and more spiritual in our life.

To be spiritual, to enter the realm spiritual, is not to enter into an order of life as people mistakenly imagine, but to enter into a new meaning of life in this very life. What is really meant is to enter one step inward into your life rather than move outwardly, diametrically. It is not a horizontal movement but an inward gesture of the soul towards its own center.

Spirituality is not one kind of life that you lead. It is the inner meaning of all kinds of life in the world. There are people who imagine that spirituality is for the later period of one's life. It has nothing to do with doing. The meaning behind existence and activity is what you mean by the spiritual. If there is any worth in what you are and what you do, that is spirituality.  

On this auspicious Makara Sankranti day contemplate for a moment the deeper truths of our own personal lives, the deeper truths of nature outside and the deeper truths implied in the relationship between ourselves and also the nature outside. There are three implications, three meanings, three significances or three hidden realities—the one, within ourselves; another, in nature outside; the third, that which is implied in the relation between ourselves and the nature outside, which is called God, invisible to our physical perception.

Do more of Gayatri Mantra Japa, presided over by the Sun, or Ishta-Mantra  Japa from today onwards. Those who are advanced enough to take to pure contemplation and meditation will do well to bring the true God into their lives, not the visible God or the imagined God. The spiritual reality, finally, is the significance behind what anything is and anything does, whatever we are and whatever we do, which means to say there is no life without spirituality. This is the kind of life that every individual being has to endeavor to live and one should utilize this opportunity as another happy occasion to contemplate God in His real nature, thus accelerating the speed of our movement towards that Supreme Absolute. May, by this influence we exert in the world, loving solidarity and peace prevail everywhere, be our prayer.

Excerpts from:
Sun – The Eye of The World by Swami Krishnananda

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