Tuesday, May 20, 2014

(May 24,2014) Weekly Svadhyaya - What Is True Success by Swami Chidananda

  Weekly Spiritual Satsang
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Svadhyaya for May 24, 2014
What is True Success

Worshipful homage to the Supreme, Universal transcendental Being. It is called transcendental because it is beyond the reach of human thought and reasoning to grasp it or comprehend it. The most amazing fact is the one revealed by Shankaracharya, a great illumined being: “Jivo Brahmaiva Naparah - jiva is no other than Brahman.” It is still more difficult to understand this incredible, ungraspable, incomprehensible truth. But it is said with such vehemence, conviction and assurance that it compels, rivets and demands our attention, because it has behind it the strength and power of personal Realization. Therein comes its compelling force. 

Tat Tvam Asi - Thou art That.” [Chan. Up. 6.4.7] This declaration of our identity, our oneness with That, is the greatest discovery and declaration that has ever been made by mankind. It is the highest pinnacle of human experience. It at once shows how high the human consciousness has been able to reach and at the same time, that each one also has within us the potential to reach this great height. It calls upon us to put forth this potential and make use of this life to attain success.
What is true success? Is it the Attainment that we may call true success? There is a saying that the true thrill and joy of a journey is the journey itself, and not so much reaching the destination. Once you reach the destination, the daily thrill and joy and the sense of adventure, the daily new vistas before your eyes ends. There is something in this way of viewing things which provides us the scope and the possibility of thrill and joy in the undertaking itself – not so much the accomplishing, but the undertaking. The accomplishment may have its own kind of satisfaction, but it cannot be compared to the daily, continuous experience of joy in the effort made in order to accomplish some end. 

Success is the ability to give oneself totally and to dedicate one’s life for that great attainment. That in itself constitutes success. If you can enter into this path of perfection and liberation and keep on with it with all the powers of your being and thus give the totality of yourself and your life until the very end, you have gloriously succeeded. There is no doubt about it. The celestials rejoice, and God looks upon you with great joy, love (and) with great satisfaction. “Worthy is the child of Mine. Worthy has it used the gift of life given to it. Worthy is it of being regarded as My own.” 

Thus should your life be. May the great Spirit bless us all the way! May the choicest benedictions of beloved Holy Master enable us to make our life such a life! 

                                                              God Bless You All!

Swami Chidananda
Additional Reading Material:

Secret of Success By Swami Sivananda
Tat Tvam Asi By Swami Sivananda
Discrimination of The Mahavakyas By Swami Krishnananda
Mahavakya Viveka - Panchadasi By Swami Krishnananda
Sure Ways of Success in Life By Swami Krishnananda
True Success By Swami Atmaswarupananda

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