Friday, May 9, 2014

(May 9,2014) Spiritual Message for the Day – The Yoga of the Division of the Threefold Faith by Sri Swami Sivananda

 The Yoga of the Division of the Threefold Faith
Divine Life Society Publication: - Bhagavadgita – Summary of Seventeenth Discourse by Sri Swami Sivananda

This discourse is termed the “Yoga of the Division of the Three Kinds of Faith”. The theme of this discourse arises out of the question asked by Arjuna in Verse 1 with reference to the final and closing advice of Lord Krishna in the previous discourse, contained in the last two verses therein (Verses 23 and 24). Arjuna asks, “What about those who, even though setting aside scriptural injunctions yet perform worship with faith?” 

The Lord replies and states that the faith of such men who ignore the injunctions of the scriptures could be either Sattwic, Rajasic or Tamasic. This would be in accordance with the basic nature of the person himself. And, conversely, as is the kind of faith, so develops the nature of the man. 

Thus, in all things like sacrifice, worship, charity, penance, etc., these qualities become expressed in accordance with the kind of faith in which the person concerned is based. They produce results in accordance with the quality of the doer’s faith. These acts done with right faith lead to supreme blessedness. When done without any faith whatsoever, all these actions become barren and useless.

Excerpts from:
The Yoga of the Division of the Threefold Faith - Bhagavadgita – Summary of Seventeenth Discourse by Sri Swami Sivananda

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